Is the JavaScript Spread Operator a Performance Killer? A Comprehensive Analysis

3 min readJun 28, 2023


JavaScript’s spread operator is a powerful feature that allows developers to conveniently manipulate arrays and objects. While it offers great flexibility and ease of use, there have been concerns about its impact on performance. In this tutorial, we will delve deep into the spread operator’s behavior, dissect its potential performance implications, and provide step-by-step code examples to help you understand its usage better.

What is the Spread Operator?

The spread operator, denoted by three consecutive dots (…), allows us to expand elements from an array or properties from an object into another array or object. Its primary purpose is to make copying, merging, and modifying data structures more concise and readable.

Understanding Performance Concerns:

Due to the convenience offered by the spread operator, some developers worry about its performance implications, especially when dealing with large arrays or nested objects. Let’s explore this concern in detail and examine scenarios where the spread operator may affect performance.

Scenario 1: Copying Arrays

One common use case for the spread operator is copying arrays. However, when dealing with large arrays, the spread operator can lead to performance issues. Consider the following code snippet:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, /* ... 10000 items ... */];
const copiedArray = [...originalArray];

In this example, we attempt to copy a large array using the spread operator. While the spread operator ensures a concise syntax, it creates a new array and iterates through each element, which can be time-consuming for large arrays.

Alternative Approach: For copying large arrays, using the Array.from() method or the slice() method can be more performant:

const copiedArray = Array.from(originalArray);
// or
const copiedArray = originalArray.slice();

These alternatives achieve the same result without the potential performance overhead of the spread operator.

Scenario 2: Merging Arrays

Another scenario where the spread operator is commonly used is merging arrays. Let’s examine the performance implications of this operation:

const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [4, 5, 6];
const mergedArray = [...array1, ...array2];

In this case, two arrays are merged using the spread operator. While this approach is concise, it creates a new array and copies all the elements from both arrays, which can be inefficient when dealing with large arrays.

Alternative Approach: For merging large arrays, the concat() method can be a more performant solution:

const mergedArray = array1.concat(array2);

The concat() method directly combines the arrays without creating intermediate copies, making it a better choice for performance-critical scenarios.


While the spread operator is a powerful tool for manipulating arrays and objects, it’s essential to be mindful of its performance implications, especially when dealing with large data structures. By understanding the scenarios where performance might be impacted, we can choose alternative approaches to optimize our code.

Remember, the spread operator is not inherently a performance killer. Its impact depends on the specific use case and the size of the data being processed. By analyzing the requirements of our applications and considering alternative techniques when appropriate, we can strike a balance between code readability and performance optimization.

In this tutorial, we explored scenarios involving copying and merging arrays. However, it’s important to note that the spread operator can still be a performant choice for smaller datasets or non-performance-critical operations.

By being aware of the performance considerations and making informed choices, you can utilize the spread operator effectively while ensuring your JavaScript code runs efficiently.

Happy coding!

